

Recruitment of Athletes and Classifier Candidates in 2nd Asian Paracanoe Championships 2017-10-17

Recruitment of Athletes and Classifier Candidates in 2nd Asian Paracanoe Championships
(Pattaya, Thailand 20 – 26 Nov. 2017)

2nd Asian Paracanoe Championships is going to be held in Pattaya, Thailand from 20th to 26th November 2017. Athletes and classifier candidates are recruited to take part in it.

1. Athletes (quota: 2 pax)
- Applicants should be experienced in va’a or kayak and be eligible according to ICF Rules and Regulations 2017.

2. Classifier Candidates (quota: 2 pax)
- applicants should meet the following requirements:
1. Mature and well-mannered
2. Proficient in both written and spoken English
3. Enthusiastic about and committed to participating in the developmental work of paracanoeing in Hong Kong
4. Experience in paracanoeing is a plus

Fees and details are included in the attached bulletin.
Nominated persons should make their own traffic and accommodation arrangements.
Subsidies from ICF may be granted subject to approval (total 1,000 euros for athletes and 500 euros for classifier candidates).

For those who are interested, please visit 1) the online form as the below and 2) send your application to the by 12:00nn, 20 October 2017.

Online Form:

For applicants of classifier candidates, please provide your resume together with your application.

Adaptive Committee


展能獨木舟教練工作坊2017(B) 2017-04-19

